God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

The Sensitivity Game... w/God

The irony is laughable... When I thought of "sensitivity" before, I saw it as a weakness. Coming...

Forbidden... For Now

We can MEAN well... In our hearts, we may have the best of intentions. In our businesses we may be...

I Am Available

I get it. The day is packed. No breathing room in between appointments. So much to be done, So...

I Don't Know Prayer

I Got Puffy... It Wasn't Pretty

I get puffy... do you? It was really bad for me when I was #1 in my market and hanging around the...

Leading with Love Left Brain

Do you know what trips me up? Trying to lead with LOVE while being "left brained". Left-brained =...

Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me.

"Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me." These are the words I hear when I am afraid. "Trust Me. Seek Me....

Garbage Collection w/God

Have you noticed your day getting heavier as time goes on? Have you noticed your tank feeling...

Yelling at God...?

Are we aloud to yell at God? How about crying out for help? Did you know that we're supposed to...

Truth About Multi-tasking...

Do you know the truth about Multi-tasking? QUESTION: If you want the highest quality result, do...

Truth vs. Lies... Doing Business w/God

Hi {{first_name}}, Have you thought about REALLY doing business with God? I sounds good, but... ...

Free Gift... Salvation

What is "Salvation" (aka getting saved)? It's a FREE Gift. You don't have to DO anything. You...