God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

Are You This Bold And Crazy...?

"I want MORE success so I can move the kingdom forward!" (Yeeahhh!! And the crowd goes wild~~~!) I...

Communion + Your Business...?

As business owners and innovators, we always ask ourselves... What's the next level up? What's the...

The True Identity of Your Business...

Have you ever had an "Aha moment" about your business or your purpose? How did it feel? Exciting?...

How You View God Is... How You Do Business.

How do you view God? Do you view Him as distant? Stoic? Grumpy? Judgmental? Punisher? Or do you...

Very Special Friend...

We come together today to celebrate the birthday of a very special friend. He has really been there...

Backwards Planning...

One of things I LOOOVVED to do was planning and goal setting. Envisioning the future and making it...

That's Just The Way I Am...?

Hello fellow entrepreneur! ^_^ ...my fellow crazies, lol. I love you guys. There's just something...

Success... The Greatest Test.

In this season of preparation... I can't emphasize enough the SINGLE most important preparation to...

A Loving Business Challenge...

As we approach the new year, I want to LOVINGLY CHALLENGE you to two contrary views that go against...

Seeking Details w/God Growth Chart

Do you know what it feels like to be in limbo? Do you know what it feels like to be in a holding...

Strongholds in your Business...

We are on the heels of a new year and the idea of shedding the old and stepping into a beautiful...

Anything Can Happen...

ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN... on this Thanksgiving Day. The sick be healed, Broken be mended, The...