God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

Prayer For Your Presence...

Just wanted to share this prayer with you... "Lord, grant me a heart that hungers for your...

Let's Snuggle...

Have you had someone you just loved being around? Just their very presence made you smile and...

Action Changed Cuz of God...

We should aim to see at least ONE action changed because of God each day. "Faith without works is...

That's Not Like Me... Unseen Barrier

Jess is a "go-getter". Some might call her impatient. Some might call her focused. Either way,...

Alone Time is Precious....

It's easy to get caught up in doing things FOR someone that you can forget to do it WITH them. ...

Oh, They Knew...

The "bad guys" can know things that the "good guys" don't. We see it in movies all the time......

Christmas = Happy Birthday Jesus!

(Singing...) Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday dear Jesus... Happy...

Waiting on the Lord... for Realtors

Always on the go, Never a moment to stop. Who has time, right? When life is busy and your shcedule...

Recruiters Wanted...

Imagine a high paying recruiting position. Better pay. Better hours. Excellent benefits. Remote...

Planning Health... w/God

Holiday feasts come and go, but your health will always be a part of you. God has a few things to...

I'm a Turd... God Help Me

It wasn't too long ago that I was on my hands and knees praying for a my health. Heck I was just...

Get Bold w/ Business + God in 2022

Did you know that all successes are NOT created equal? Success in anything can feel so good, so...