Your Divine Unique Value Proposition (UVP)...

Who are you?
How are you different from your competition?
Why should a potential client choose you over someone else?

Who wouldn't want clarity on these questions, right?

There's nothing more unsettling than thinking to yourself,
"How am I different?"
"Am I different enough?"
... inevitably leading to...
"Am I SPECIAL enough?"

While human eyes and ears may have difficulty identifying your TRUE Unique Value Proposition (UVP),
God doesn't.
He's known it from the start.
He created you as one of a kind,
"broke the mold" when He made you type of UNIQUE.

The same goes for your BUSINESS.

He gave you a UNIQUE purpose for your business,
Your special UNIQUE flavor that no one else can copy.

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

However, you can't discover that on your own.
You can only get to the GOOD stuff with God.

The truth is most of the world creates their business IDENTITY through human thinking and processes...

BUT doing it with God produces a much more UNIQUE outcome.

Human ways attempt to find a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) through seminars, workshops, exercises and trainings...
But God is a lot more organic and experiencial.

It's through living life and walking with God.

In many cases, God has a way of molding and shaping you into the best version of yourself,
The HIGHEST version,
One that moves the KINGDOM forward in a BIG way!

It's a journey through life itself.

"you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

However, God is not like a vending machine where you put in a workshop and it spits out a business IDENTITY like a soda can.

In the PROCESS...
You won't have it all figured out,
But you can still feel CONFIDENT in who you are in Christ,
Knowing He made you SPECIAL,
You can be free to be AUTHENTIC,
NOT worry about puffing up or looking good.

God has a GREAT business plan for you,
But for now, "the plan" might look something like this.

Follow Me.
Seek Me.
Rinse & repeat.

It may require a lot of LISTENING and WAITING,
EVERYONE MUST learn how to do this,
It may be your turn now.

So be comfortable in awkwardness,
Be ok with the messy middle,
Be ok with the ugly duckling phase,
Be confident in God's plan,
It may not have the goals,

The numbers,
The striving that you are used to.

So weird.
Almost stupid.
But not.
It's ok.

Cuz God's in the middle of it.
He's got you!

You may feel lost.
It's ok.
He has a way of testing your faith.

You may feel wobbly,
It's ok.
He wants you earnestly seeking Him.

You may not love it,
It's ok.

He has a way of testing your obedience.

No matter what,
Trust Him.
God's got you!

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me find a new BUSINESS IDENTITY in You,
One that heals relationships not strains them,
One that heals the body not breaks it,
One that heals the mind not intoxicating it.
Help me love myself and my business the way YOU designed me to.
Help me love my family and all my relationships YOU designed me to.
Teach me to REST in You,
To SEEK You.
Take me to new heights through OBEDIENCE.
May that be my worship to You.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to tapping into your DIVINE Unique Value Proposition! ^_^
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