God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

How To Be A Camel That Fits...

In the last message I talked about how this verse would make me cringe... "it is easier for a...

Why Camels Don't Fit...

As an entrepreneur, I always cringed and had a small rebellion in side of me when I heard the...

Been Far From God...

Did you know that I wanted NOTHING to do with God for 20+ years? I didn't talk about Jesus, I had...

Sharing My Story w/Nathalie on Realty Universal ^_^

I just wanted to share the interview I had with Nathalie Mullinix on her show Realty Universal. I...

5 Steps to "Meditate" on Scripture

I heard of "meditating" on scripture, But I never knew what it really meant, And it never sounded...

Building to Last w/God

Do you want to build something BIG? Do you want to build something MARVELOUS? Do you want to build...

The Busy Paradox w/God...

Have you been running HARD in your business? Have you passed the point of exhaustion? Or perhaps...

Busy is the Enemy of Be Still...

Have you ever thought, "Only if I knew what God wanted me to do specifically..." "It would be nice...

2 Types of Wealth...

I don't know about you but... When I have something good, I want MORE!! If 2 is good, then 10 is...

God, What Do You Think...?

Do you ever wonder how we ever got around without GPS? ^_^ Don't you LOVE how you can go into any...

Passing or Dropping the God Gaton...? (Part 2)

In the last message, we talked about what it takes to pass a baton in a relay race. To do it well,...

Passing or Dropping the God Baton...?

Have you ever done a relay race where you passed a baton? It takes a bit more coordination than...