Did you know that God is DEEPLY rooted in the foundation of this country? The more I learn about...
It's amazing how many assumptions we have and don't realize it. Some can be helpful, but some can...
Do you have a gift that God gave you? Is it a vision for a business? Is it solving a problem in the...
In walking with the Lord, There are days, When you just need a life-line, You need a S.O.S. call,...
Wouldn't it be nice if everything was EASY? Wouldn't it be great if everything went SMOOTHLY?...
Are you in a season of waiting? Are you trying to make some big decisions? Are you seeking answers...
In the midst of people talking, About being on FIRE for God, What if you're... NOT? If you're...
The world is shaking, The sky is rumbling, Hearts are waking, Spirits are stirring, A movement is...
Life is good when things are going as planned, Especially when better than expected. Those are...
We are all designed to live with PASSION, But I think we lack wisdom when we encounter it. PASSION...
On this Memorial Day, A day of remember those who gave their lives, In service for our country, The...
How to make Prayer JUICY. Have you ever noticed... When you create something YOURSELF you cherish...