God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

Are You Getting Tossed...?

If you would have asked me before, Whether I was getting tossed around in my business or life, I...

Air Balls are OK...

Have you ever been in a season where you feel LOST, Where nothing seems to fit together, And the...

Facetime with God...

There is a lost art with God, An act that is rarely talked about, Even more rarely seen, Even more...

Lessons from the Low with Jesus...

In the very last moments on Gethsemane, Jesus had some very human moments. They are great examples...

Let's Be Fools...

I used to think that MOST of my ways were in line with God, I certainly thought I could not be...

Your Body is a Part...

How do you treat your BODY? Do you know who your BODY belongs to? The answer to this question makes...

Do Not Fret, It Leads...

How many times a day do you think you step into fear? Did you know that RUSHING is a fear of not...

Fix These Words of Mine...

I'm a "twinkie". Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. ^_^ I cracked up when I first heard...

To Say "God Told Me..."

Did you know that you are DESIGNED to hear God's voice? Even if you don't feel like you can, Even...

How Can I Serve You Today?

I ask God for aloooooooot of things.. I ask Him for things every day! Multiple times a day,...

Followed Him at a Distance...

Do you remember when Jesus told the disciples "You will all fall away"? Jesus knew that when he was...

Are You in Error Because...

If you're pursuing your dreams, visions and goals, Running a million miles a minute, Spread too...