Thank You Heavenly Father for birthing this country, Thank You for Your hand guiding this nation,...
We like to complicate things. God made things SIMPLE. Imagine 2 teenage best friends at a...
Have you every said something true, But NOT in LOVE? Have you ever corrected someone and been 100%...
Imagine a teenage boy asking his parents for an extended curfew. He's going to a friend's birthday...
I want to provide a couple more examples from the last message on how to ask God for EVERYTHING. ...
If you want to grow closer to Jesus but struggle with not enough TIME or a busy schedule, there's...
Oh my Lord, Heavenly Father, Who am I to question You? You are the Father of galaxies, Birther of...
I have some good news for you. TAKE A LOAD OFF! It's easier said than done. The truth is for a...
Have you ever look at Jesus is our investor or shareholder? Did you know that as an investor you...
Jesus is a BIG picture guy. He thinks BIGGER than all of us. It's funny, As an entrepreneur, I...
As I read the story of Cain and Abel, It hit closer to home for me more than ever before. It made...