Humility is...
"Humilty is perfect quietness of the heart.
It is to expect nothing,
to wonder at nothing that is done to me,
to feel nothing done against me.
It is to be at rest when nobody praises me,
and when I am blamed or despised.
It is to have a blessed home in the Lord,
where I can go in and shut the door,
and kneel to my Father in secret,
and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmess,
when all around and above is trouble."
- Andrew Murray, Humility

Humility is the truth of our lack in the presence of God.
Knowing that we need Him so.
Feeling inadequate without Him.
Feeling victorious with Him.
Pride is a lie.
Pride tells us we are fine without God.
That every moment doesn't need God but we are sufficient on our own.
Pride eliminates God from our life.
We don't need Him when we have pride.
We are good enough when we have pride.
We're supposed to be humble,
To seek God in EVERYTHING.
Every moment.
Every thought.
Every word.
Every decision.
For who are we without God?
This form of humility has been long hidden by the enemy.
For to need God would mean to seek Him.
To seek God would mean to find Him.
For God said "Seek and you shall find".
When we find God, the enemy is broken and defeated once again.
The world taught us that to need is weak.
The world taught us that man is great.
The world taught us that to hustle leads to acheivement.
The world taught us that acheivement is success.
What is the success we seek?
We seek that which is seen with human eyes; money, accolades, closings, agents, size, ranking, market share.
"What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal", says the Lord.
"Lord, grant us eternal perspective.
Let us see the frailty of the things we treasure here on earth.
Let us see that the future of all things on earth is dust.
That without you, nothing lasts forever.
But with you, forever is a gift you freely give.
Humble our hearts,
Open our eyes,
Make the things of this world fade away,
May our desires be your desires,
So you can make all your plans succeed.
Change our hearts from the inside out.
Enter. Reside. Never leave.
Make me holy and pleasing to you, Lord.
Your will be done.
In Jesus name Amen."