Forgiving Time Block
There's so much to do in real estate.
We have a culture of get stuff done... and a lot of it.
Pressure to perform is on us everyday, whether it's from our boss, office, competitors or ourself.
On bigger projects that require a 2 hours or more?...
Just the thought of it forms lumps in your throat.
It doesn't get done...
Then you begin the dread the thought.
The hopes of the project begin to fade.
The bitter taste of guilt and shame start to take over.
I've been there!
It's like a slow rot in your soul that keeps getting bigger.
I want to share with you a very simple and Spirit-led solution that is changing my life.

The "Forgiving Time Block".
Before getting started, let's shift a couple perspectives from the flesh to spirit.
"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much."
Starting now... time blocks are no longer about you.
It's ALL about God.
It's not about your money or your closings.
It's not about your goals.
It's about your OBEDIENCE to God.
MINDSET: The key is your OBEDIENCE to the time block in what God wants you to do. If He can't trust you with a 30 minute time block... how can he trust you with more?
Until God can see your OBEDIENCE and faithfulness...
He can't give you MUCH.
With the Forgiving Time Block
It's NOT about the task.
It's about God.
It's NOT about the grind.
It's about OBEDIENCE.
Find joy in OBEDIENCE.
Find excitement in the fact that when God can trust you in very little, He will trust you with MUCH.
Prove to God FIRST that you are faithful in very little.
Now as you go into the time blocks...
Remember it's not for the things of this world.
It's not about your fleshy desires.
It's not even about the result.
It's about OBEDIENCE.
I repeat...
It's not about the result, it's about the OBEDIENCE.
Yes, that goes against human wisdom.
"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise".
When you're OBEDIENT to God in a Forgiving Timeblock...
Don't worry about WHAT you get done.
It's HOW you get done that matters.
None of the fleshy things matters.
OBEDIENCE to God matters.
OBEDIENCE will also give you freedom.
You completed a time block for God in OBEDIENCE.
God knows you did your BEST.
God will meet you where you're at.
God is by your side.
Seek Him.
Your OBEDIENCE means more to Him than all the appointments or closings in the world.
After OBEDIENCE to God...
Surrender the rest.
Don't judge what you got done or didn't.
Don't feel an ounce of guilt or shame.
No more "should, coulda, woulda".
When you're OBEDIENT, God handles the rest.
Hallelujah, this is FREEDOM! Not worrying about the rest.
Heaven's angels are singing!
Just show up tomorrow for another day in OBEDIENCE!
"If god is for us who can be against us"?
The enemy will try to thwart you.
He will try to distract you.
He will try to tell that you're failing.
Don't listen.
Fight back.
Seek God.
Use the Armor of God.
Cut the ol' devil with the Sword of the Spirit, the word of God.
Before you start each time block, say a 30 second prayer for the Holy Spirit's guidance and protection.
Seek God and His wisdom.
Have faith that He will show up. (Shield of Faith)
God will protect. (Belt of Truth)
God will guide. (Belt of Truth)
Trust God. (Shield of Faith)
Here's everything in 5 simple steps...
- Step 1) Set a 30 minute time block for a project or task.
Put it in your calendar. Treat it like an appointment. - Step 2) Start the time block with God - A quick prayer, quote scripture, use the Sword of the Spirit.
- Here's a prayer for your convenience:
"Dear God, grace me with your presence in this time block. Guide me, guard me. Your will be done in my life, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen." - Step into faith that the Holy Spirit is present because you asked Him
- Here's a prayer for your convenience:
- Step 3) Set a timer for 27 minutes and start.
- Get done what you can. The Holy Spirit is by your side.
- Stop as soon as the timer goes off.
- Step 4) Congrats, you WON!
- Celebrate the "Micro-victory" of obedience to God.
- Sense in your heart God smiling down on you.
- You moved the needle forward with God by your side. Celebrate that!
- Step 5) Surrender the Rest: Whatever didn't get done, surrender it to God. You did everything you could in that 30 minute time block. God will meet you where you're at. Keep being obedient every day. That's what counts.
The Forgiving Timeblock enables you to WIN every time with God by
Forgiving yourself for your shortcomings as you Surrender to God.
It's great.
Try it out.
Seek God in ALL things.